
Seeing Clearly: A Guide to Eye Surgery and Optometry Services

Eye surgery is a common procedure that is performed to correct a wide range of vision problems. If you are experiencing vision problems or discomfort in your eyes, your optometrist may recommend that you undergo eye surgery. Here are times when you might need eye surgery, what to expect during the procedure, and the services optometrists will offer you.   When Might You Need Eye Surgery?  Eye surgery is typically recommended for individuals who are experiencing vision problems or discomfort in their eyes that cannot be corrected through other methods, such as glasses or contact lenses. Read More 

What Glasses Frame Shape Will Suit You Best?

Choosing a new pair of glasses can be a little daunting if you're not sure what suits you. The frames you wear can make a huge difference to how you look, and it feels good to be confident you've got the best ones for you. The trick is to figure out what you'd like your glasses to do for your face: which features would you like to enhance, and which would you rather tone down a little? Read More 

Ways to Tell if Your Child Needs to See an Optometrist

For most adults, identifying when there's a problem with their optical health is easy. Children, however, may not know how to recognise or communicate key signs of poor eye health. If you're worried about your little one, here are some ways to tell if they need glasses. Squinting If your child is suffering from nearsightedness or farsightedness, they may start to squint. Squinting is a natural reaction, as it reduces the size of the object they're trying to see. Read More 

3 Crucial Habits to Help You Prevent Diabetic Retinopathy

The eyes have the most delicate blood vessels in the body. The blood vessels take oxygen and other nutrients to the receptor cells in the retina, and the system works perfectly to ensure that your eyes are properly nourished and healthy at all times. However, when you have diabetes, the health of your eyes may be highly compromised, and you might suffer from neuropathy or diabetic retinopathy. This is a condition that affects the blood vessels and capillaries. Read More 

Who Is an Optometrist, Optician or Ophthalmologist?

If you have any problems with your eyesight, you are required to see an eye doctor. You may come across many technical terms for eye doctors, which might get you confused. This article aims to help clarify these terms and also let you know how each eye doctor can help you. You may come across the term ophthalmologist, optometrist and optician. 1. Optometrist This is the eye doctor that is usually visited first by many people with eye problems. Read More