3 Crucial Habits to Help You Prevent Diabetic Retinopathy

The eyes have the most delicate blood vessels in the body. The blood vessels take oxygen and other nutrients to the receptor cells in the retina, and the system works perfectly to ensure that your eyes are properly nourished and healthy at all times. However, when you have diabetes, the health of your eyes may be highly compromised, and you might suffer from neuropathy or diabetic retinopathy. This is a condition that affects the blood vessels and capillaries. 

The condition can lead to your retina's receptor cells lacking nourishment. If the cells start dying, you might become blind. That's why it's advisable to have a professional check the state of your eyes regularly, especially when you are living with diabetes. Here are three other healthy habits that can help you avoid diabetic retinopathy.

Always Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check

The first thing to do is to keep the blood sugar at normal levels always. Drops and spikes in blood sugar lead to a series of chemical reactions that greatly affect your vision. Check the blood sugar before meals, and ensure that you have small and evenly distributed meals throughout the day. You might end up with visual impairment if you allow the sugar levels in your blood to go unchecked for a long time. 

Visit Your Physician Often

The other thing that will help you deal with diabetic retinopathy is proper healthcare. Your primary physician will check your sugar levels and other signs that the disease could be causing other complications in your body. They will recommend new treatments to help you manage the problem. 

Regular visits to the physicians make it easier to track your health status and figure out if you need to make changes to your diet or lifestyle. They also check the blood pressure, the condition of the arteries, veins, and capillaries, as well as your weight. They will guide you to the right specialist to deal with any complication you might be developing.

Get Comprehensive Eye Exams

It is advisable to keep a close watch on all the health complications you could develop because of diabetes. People living with diabetes often have to deal with neuropathy, which leads to foot health problems, eye health complications, and difficulty healing from wounds. Have a regular appointment with the eye health expert to help know when eye issues like diabetic retinopathy are developing. They will help you avoid developing issues that could lead to loss of sight.

Diabetes is a manageable condition when you are willing to take the right measures. Choose an eye health professional to help you avoid losing sight and stay healthy even as you manage diabetes. 
